Yearly we have a "Sister's Party." Those invited are all my sisters, sister-in-laws, nieces over 18 years of age and anyone else we can think of. We usually begin by going to the temple in the afternoon and relatives keep trickling in throughout the late afternoon and evening. We eat, have a time for a share and tell, craft and have a sleepover. We finish up the next day with crafts, or a service or something else. It is just a great bonding time. We miss the family members who can not make it.
That's a good picture. I like it. I didn't know that Georgia made it. Looks like you all had lots of fun!:)
What a great tradition! Looks like a fun bunch of "sisters".
I don't know who this old bag is you're talking about. Thanks for leaving me a note!! It was a sweet surprise. Congratulations on Brooke's little one that's on the way.
What? Brooke is expecting? Fun sisters party, we are so blessed to have such a great family ( well at least I think so)
I am always so sad to miss this!!! One year I'm going to make it I promise!!
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