Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bolt, Babes and Boys

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 was a day I thought about doing for a long time. I put blankets on all the windows in the family room in the basement a few weeks ago and pondered on movies, treats and food. What to do? I finally asked my daughters to bring their children over last Tuesday for a movie at grandma's house. Brooke even brought Danika so I had all 9 grandchildren in my home at once. I asked Brooke to stay, though. So, we began the movie, Bolt, at 11:00. By 11:30 the kids were restless and STARVING. So we fed them sandwiches, fruit, chips, cookies, juice, etc. I then asked them to pose when they were almost finished. We have Kenzie, Lana, Kailie and Rylee in the first picture.
Kate, Isaak, Brielle and Hayden sat at the "kid's table" because they love being together. They didn't eat much though.

...and Danika ate at her table without any of her cousins beside her, at the moment.
I even got them to pose for one wonderful group picture. Yup! Here is all my grandchildren. Obviously happy to be here! Rylee is holding the baby and not a play doll. Then we started the movie again to finish it up and see how it ends.

Hayden and Brielle had had enough of the movie. They went off to play in another room. They love being together. Sometimes I wonder if they had an extra special relationship in the pre-mortal life. They always want to be together.

Kate (looking older and more mature all the time), Kailie with Danika, and Lana finishing the movie.
Rylee and McKenzie during the last moments. Then upstairs to play with the stickers, paper and crayons for letters to their Uncle Andrew. It was a magical day. The kids were cute, movie was great, food was good, and we had fun just being together. Thanks to the kids and moms for a wonderful afternoon. Let's do it again next summer. I have more ideas for bigger and better!

Thanks Brooke for bringing some of the entertainment (Danika) and staying!


Bilary said...

That's so cute. You got some darling pictures! The kids had a riot too. Thanks for doing that. They loved every minute of it.

Angie said...

What a fun Grandma!!! I love the picture of all of them. It never fails that at least one should be crying when doing a group shot!! I can't wait to see what you have planned for next year!!

Tai said...

Thanks for having the kids over! They always love to see you and their cousins too of course!